Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique
A personal spiritual journey travels through time and space
A process of awakening to your Authentic-Self
A Holistic therapy that achieves self- healing for the body and mind
A first-hand verification of personal immortality, unlimited potential and power
A personal spiritual journey travels through time and space
A process of awakening to your Authentic-Self
A Holistic therapy that achieves self- healing for the body and mind
A first-hand verification of personal immortality, unlimited potential and power
What is the Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique?
Dolores Cannon (1931-2014) Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique (QHHT) was developed and perfected by Dolores Cannon who has written 19 books based on the insights, knowledge and information she collected throughout her 50 year career as a hypnotherapist. Quantum Healing Hypnosis Technique is a process where a client is guided into a very deep level of hypnosis - the Theta level of trance which we all naturally experience at least twice a day: the moment just before we become consciously awake and the moment just before we drift off to sleep. Through this unique process in this state, we are able to access our Superconscious (Higher Selves) to obtain the information, insights and a comprehensive healing. As a pioneer and a truth seeker, Dolores has paved the way for many souls who continue to follow the trail she blazed with determination and grace. Hers was the noblest cause: to find truth in whomever and wherever it might be. She sought out knowledge for the good of all. And she sought it in a way that is inspiring to us all. Higher Selves (Dolores calls it Subconscious) In This process of hypnosis, you will enter an inner journey. The guides to lead this journey are your Higher Selves( Or called Superconscious, Universal Consciousness, the Oneness, the Over soul). They’re the BIGGER you, they are your purest and brightest Light. From the moment you first became an individual soul, they have been with you for all your lifetimes. They know your completeness, your divinity, your power to create and the ability to heal. They understand all the challenges in and present solutions for your life, because they see the biggest pictures, the blueprints of your entire soul. They detect and identify issues not only from the physical body level, but also the mental and the emotional level, and the energy level, and explain why these occur. More often,they give an intelligent explanation from the ether energetic level, and adjust and treat the subject from the energy level first. Most people will clearly feel the energy working in their body during this process. Sometimes the Higher-selves bring the person back to his or her past experiences/ past lives and examine theses past events with higher perception, understanding and compassion. Immediately the energy field of the past events can be transformed into a positive state, releasing emotional debris and create healing. Sometimes the Higher-selves take the individual to a higher dimension to transmit information,receive healing, and raise his/her energy frequency. These scenes are usually and closely related to the challenges and problems existing in the person's current life. Healing, answers and solutions are obtained in the process of experiencing these different scenarios. When this frequency energy emerges under the guidance of the hypnotist,it can be highly evolved and full of wisdom. It will only choose to share and show the information that is most appropriate for the person’s current spiritual development stage to make it easy to comprehend . The experience of this loving information and energy will only bring forth positive effects and healing for the subject. The Higher-self always serve the best interests for the person. The sharing is full of pure love, compassion, wisdom and humor. They often makes people cry and sometimes laugh; and they are very happy to finally have a chance to be invited to have the person quietly surrender and listen to them! Read some messages Higher Selves delivered through the sessions, please click Here. Facilitator The QHHT practitioner is a facilitator who assists the subject’s Higher Selves to come in, communicate and do the healing. If one’s mind is powerful enough to make him/her sick, it is also powerful enough to heal him/herself. That is the ultimate goal of QHHT. Before a facilitator can ask the Higher Selves to heal the body, the cause behind the problem must first be identified. This is done using this unique technique of regression that assists the Higher Selves to guide the subject back through time into their multiple lives and experiences. The facilitator doesn’t lead the subjects anywhere, the subjects will go where they’re supposed to go. But the facilitator does need to induce the energy via his/her intuition, high frequency and does need to go with the flow. The facilitator' main objective is always to help improve the lives of the subjects. Therefore, the purpose of working with the Higher Selves is always to help an individual to the greatest extent possible in whatever capacity possible. This help can come in many different ways. The facilitator must always has the subject’s highest well-being in mind, as the Higher Selves are willing to work with those with a pure heart and true intent. Read my clients' feedback please click here. Subject As everyone has the free will, no one should override or interfere it. The key to achieve an efficient and a great session will be the subject’s intention. He/she has to be motivated, to trust, to be able to relax, to see the pictures and answer questions, to let things happen in its own way. Some certain emotions such as fear, or having great needs for control are inhibiting access to the higher level by momentarily lowering the subject's vibration. Each individual’s QHHT session is unique, the individual's vibratory rate is paramount to what level’s information that appear to come through during QHHT sessions. Because no amount of deepening will allow access to levels beyond this range, as any information in those places will be beyond their level of advancement. For more information, please click here . |
I am a healer, and there’s no arrogance or privilege in that. We all are healers, as all the healing are self healing... It’s time to reclaim our heavenly heritage, to wake up to our own individual power. The power is not aggressive power, it's our innate capability that is strongest when it comes from a place of love, compassion,understanding, purpose, forgiveness, attachment to Source. ---Mia McDermott Trained in person by Dolores Cannon, and has been practicing as a consulting hypnotist since 2013. [email protected] 845-264-1388 Artwork of Mia McDermott