1. How to prepare for my QHHT session?
* Prepare two lists of questions you would like your Higher Selves to answer. Make one list of physical/health questions you have and another list of personal/life (the things that most bother you or you desire) questions you want answered. Send them to me before the session. If you have a long list of questions please put your most important questions at the top of each list. Our goal is to get every question answered but we work with a two hour window when you are hypnotized. In that time frame I am inducing you, exploring past lives, and accessing your Higher Selves to answer the questions and then bringing you out. * Your intention to have a great session is key! Once you have made the decision to have a QHHT session, already your Higher Selves are preparing and getting ready to have a conversation with you. Your Conscious Self needs to step aside and remain in the background. Dolores calls the Conscious Self the “Stupid Self” because the Conscious Self (ego) thinks it knows everything and really knows very little. State to yourself several times a day that you "HAVE clear and direct communication with your Higher Selves". * If you meditate, do so the morning or day of your appointment to help clear your mind and connect to the energy of your Higher Selves. If you don’t meditate, then do something that helps you feel peaceful and calm like taking a walk or listening to some soothing music. * If you have read Dolores’s books, you have to let go all of your expectations, let go of trying to control or figuring it out and let the process evolve. Each individual has unique QHHT experience, allow it to unfold in its own way, because QHHT experiences can be so much bigger than we can ever imagine it to be! * The night before & the day of your session please do not drink alcohol/caffeinated beverages. If you are a regular morning coffee drinker, please eliminate or limit your use of caffeine the day of your session. * Eat well but light before you come in. * As much as possible, clear your day for the session. This entire process can take about 2 -3 hours , and occasionally even a bit longer.(See reasons from ‘question 3“) * Your session is a private session. it is a place where you need to feel completely safe that your confidentiality in all matters is observed. During this completely personal experience no one else is allowed in your session. You may share your recording or any memories or thoughts later. * After seeing the list above, you might ask “Why should I go through that much to prepare for a session?” Well, WE will work together to try to address your questions, to identify issues which may have been plaguing you lifetime in one session. Why don't you slow yourself down a little bit from your busy life and allow this to happen? 2. Do I have to "See" something in the trance? Hypnosis is not anesthesia - your body remains very relaxed, yet your mind becomes very focused and alert. While a natural somnambulist can attain a deep level of trance with little effort, other people may need assistance and patience to get there. During the trance, some people may see something (through inner vision), hear something, smell, feel something or even simply 'Know' by perceiving...We say we have 5 senses and actually there are many, many senses - each or multiple of them will be activated for you to receive the answers from HS. There is no "best way", but only "your natural way". Just go with it. 3. Why does the first session last at about 2-3 hours? We begin the session by talking, going over the process and your questions. Then you get comfortable and relaxed and we begin the hypnotic regression. You will be guided to 1-2 lives or the experiences that your Higher Selves choose to show you, so that you can best understand the answers of the questions you have. Once we are finished looking at your different live experiences your Higher Selves will answer the questions. Then I bring you out, go over what was experienced and I make sure you are awake and grounded. Time doesn’t exist once you’re in the trance, you will be in a wonderful relaxing state of experience. 4. How many sessions will I need? The answer is that it depends on how far you would like to go. Most people feel one session answers all their questions. Follow up sessions are offered for the people who desires a more comprehensive transformation, to deeply explore past lives, explore other lives or to upgrade the connection with their Higher Selves for approaching a ‘next level progress’ for their overall healing, well-being, happiness and spiritual evolvement; many people find out how easily their intuitive abilities can be developed by this process , especially those in creative fields, find a lot of value in this work. Overall, this is a process of self-reinvent and self-empowerment which you can only gain from yourself, rather than from books or other's " knowledge" . 5. Can children have the QHHT Session? In general, I give QHHT session to the individuals over the age of 16. Parents can be the Surrogates through QHHT session to find out the roots cause of disease and give the healing for their children under 16. 6. What would not Higher Selves (Superconscious )heal? Healing can only occur if an individual wants to be healed and if it does not interfere with the goals of this lifetime. We are infinite existence who have incarnated on Earth for our own individual experiences. The Higher Selves of a blind person would not heal his sight if being blind was one of the key aspects of the life he has agreed to experience. Nor would it heal a physical problem someone had created through the lack of care for their body if they had not yet learned the lesson to love and respect their body. |